A Hiatus

August 2016

My husband and I have purchased our first home! We’re absolutely ecstatic, as it’s all that we hoped for.

That said, it means I’ll be very busy these coming months with packing, moving, scrubbing, painting, repairing, building…and all the wonderful labors of love that come with buying a home. Because of this, I am finding that I can hardly make time to keep up with my reading, much less make time to write thoughtful blog essays deserving of your time and attention.

Seeing as it’s a pretty big life event that requires my full time and energy at the moment (outside of my job), it means I’ll be taking a hiatus for the remainder of the year. (Although, it is a great reason for having to take a break from writing, if I do say so myself!)

I’ll be back in full force by January 2017. In the meantime, I’ll be active on GoodReads as I plan to read as much as I can squeeze in (and frankly, between my job and the house, I’ll be needing a lot of reading breaks to rest and recharge).